2010, August 18
HIT it!!
remember I set a target of 50 viewers? Yup, I
HIT it..yay me!
So, for the nail art first video.. it's exactly been a month since I post it by 18 August, and it has
I know it's not that a lot either, but this is my first time and I don't know anyone in youtube..
while, my second video, by 18 August, has been about a week and it has
35 views. yay! :)
NEXT, target : 1st vid ----> 100 views
2nd vid ----> 50 views
When am I gonna stop targeting? I think when the videos already has over a hundred or two views ;p
c y'all.xoxo
Labels: Heart.It, Nail Art, Random Blabber

Just a quick update to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my beloved country,
anyway, lookie the google sign today.. :)
Yups, RED and WHITE !! Soo Indonesianism (is that even a word? =.=), google Indonesian flag if u don't get what I'm saying..and.. I think that's a Balinese dancer..
Indonesia has so many traditional dance, I can't really distinguish the difference of the clothes one to another. meh.. *rolling eyes*
By the way, BALI is in INDONESIA!!
I'm fucking hate it when people talk about Bali, but don't know it's in Indonesia. True, It's not really my problem or anything. But it irritate me sometimes...
You know, it's like..
example : in chatting
A(Indonesian people) : "Hey, where are u goin' for christmas holiday?"
B(Some foreigner) : "Bali! Isn't it cool?!"
A : "Sure! You'll be visiting my country then. :) "
B : "What? I thought you're from some country named Indonesia somethin'.."
Really people?! and I'm NOT some kind of super duper nationalism person. I really am not (Oh, come on, I can't distinguish the traditional dance -which in my defence, Indonesia really has a hell lots of traditional dance. you get my point anyway, that I'm not a super nationalism person). But it really is bothering me.
Yeah, anyway.. Happy 65th!!
c y'all.xoxo
Labels: Nationalism, Natter n Nagging, Random Blabber

Black & Purple Stripy Nail Design
Yup, I've edited the video! I have to redo it about 3 or 4 times because of some stupidity.. and for God sake, I HATE Windows Live Movie Maker!!
You know, the one that you got from windows 7. It's the stripped version of Windows Movie Maker. It couldn't speed up video, blaahh..I really hate it lah..
Why would they make something worse than they have beforee *rolling eyes*
Anyway, here the video..
Black & Purple Stripy Nail Design
hope you like it :)Labels: Heart.It, Nail Art, Natter n Nagging, Turorial

MORE nail tutorial
I've made another video! Fine lah, I made it last week, but I haven't edit it until now..too lazy lah... =.="
Btw, I like this design better than the one before!
Here it is
pretty, right?RIGHT?! just say yes and make me happy.. *puppy eyes*
I'm editing the video now..
see ya.xoxo
Labels: Nail Art