Just a quick update..heheh..
today I got my glasses..yea..yea...this my first time using glasses with minus..
well,there is contact lens and my mom allow me to buy it, but... to put such thingy in your eyes, isn't that a lil' bit cruel?? Okay, I'm afraid.. it looks like you're pinching your own retina..uukh ><"
Call me whimp~ T.T...
Btw, this all glasses thingy kinda bother me plus, the first time I wear it, it makes me a bit dizzy
@.@"~~phiuw phiuw
On the bright side, I do look like a diligent kid..hoho...and nerd...I love reading book anyway..
gee~~hope I get used to this thingy...will only use it when I'm reading and study..
and playing laptop (which means almost every minute of my day =.=")...
No laugh. Really.. -.-"
Anyway, I never do any camwhoring in this blog, right?! Well, I will this time hehe ^^
Haha..there =)
Uhmm.. about my trip last december..maybe I'll post it next week, depends on my mood XD XD..

Labels: Natter n Nagging, Random Blabber