I made this about.. 7 or 8 months ago. a really long time ago, I know.
I made this to study how to use pen tool ;p
The first sketch, I scanned it :)
It's just a rough sketch, I drew it for like 3 to 7 minutes :p
This is after I made the outer line using pen tool
I know it's still rough and the pressure line (I don't know the right phrase, but it's the thickness and thinness of the line) still doesn't look good, this my first try using pen tool anyway, and I didn't know that there is such thingy to make outline easier named tablet at the time.. =.="
This is after I colored it. Using brush tool (beuuhh..=.=", really standard, btw, photoshop is the only image editor software I know how to use, I don't know how to use Corel or Illustrator..lol)
Fiuuhh...still amateur,, >.<"
I made it approx. 4 hours, I think. forgot about it.
But it DID take a loooonngg time..geezz
But, to think that I never get any photoshop lesson or something like that (I just try it and messing around with all tools xp, and use some tutorial from deviantart), I 'm quite proud of myself.. ;p.. Doesn't mean to brag, I just, you know, happy with the resullt..
Oh, yeahh, maybe for the last few days I'll be adding a LOT of my artwork, 'cos I have a BUNCH of them that waiting their time to be showed *=.="..wth?!*, but they're probably my old work, a year or months ago, 'cos I haven't touched photoshop for like 4 or 5 months.. -.- ,, gee~~ a pretty long time..I haven't draw anything for like months~!! *dying*
I used to use photoshop and editing around for like twice a month or three times a month (I know it's not much, but at least it's frequently, but now? I barely open it, maybe sometimes I open it just to retouch and edit some photos a little (lightning, contras,etc), but that doesn't count)
Okay, this post seemed to transform into a chatter post, just end this post now :)
Labels: Arty Thingys, Heart.It